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由董建華先生、梁振英先生擔任總召集人,譚耀宗先生任秘書長,譚惠珠女士等11位人士任副秘書長,全港1500多位社會各界人士擔任共同發起人的「香港再出發大聯盟」,於 5月 5 日在香港中環中心舉行「香港再出發大聯盟」成立發佈會。總召集人董建華先生、梁振英先生分別在會上致詞,闡述了「香港再出發大聯盟」成立背景和重要意義,以及未來大聯盟的主要工作重點。
Press Release: The Establishment of the Hong Kong Coalition Press Conference
The Hong Kong Coalition is founded by 1,500 initiators from all sectors of the society, with Mr. Tung Chee Hwa and Mr. Leung Chun Ying assuming the roles of Chief Convenors, Mr. Tam Yiu Chung serving as Secretary-General, and Ms. Maria Tam Wai Chu and 10 other members holding the posts of Deputy Secretary-General. The Coalition held a press conference on 5th May, 2020, declaring its official establishment. The Chief Convenors delivered their speeches respectively, elaborated on the background and significance of establishing the Coalition, as well as its major tasks ahead.
The "Joint Manifesto" was announced at the press conference, which appeals to upholding "One Country, Two Systems" and fostering a new start for Hong Kong. Only by defending "One Country, Two Systems" have Hong Kong the value of existence and room for development. We need to revitalize Hong Kong’s economy to set out on a bright new path. At present many enterprises are faced with survival crises, we have to save the economy and ensure employment to avoid economic downturn. We also need to return to the rule of law, to get Hong Kong back on track. When the rule of law is safeguarded, Hong Kong can retain hope of law-abiding citizens and confidence of investors. We must rebuild our unity across the social classes and the political spectrum to lead a way out of the predicament.
The Coalition has composed a theme song, "Set Out Again ", which music was composed by Mr. Kenny Chung Chun To, lyrics by Ms. Betty Kan, and produced by Dr. Kennedy Wong and Mr. Chong Ka. It was performed by six young local singers and the choir Galaxy Rising Star.
The Coalition cares about the health of citizens and participated in the fight against the pandemic. The first campaign launched after its establishment was Giving Masks, Giving Care — Community Masks Distribution Campaign 「千萬口罩獻愛心」, the Coalition prepared 10 million masks for distribution across the 18 districts on the 9th and 10th May. The 1,500 initiators will take part in the service.
Secretary-General of the Hong Kong Coalition, Mr. Tam Yiu Chung hosted the press conference, Deputy Secretary-General Mr. Tan Ganqiu, Dr. Kennedy Wong, Mr. Stanley Ng Chau Pei, Mr. Cheung Chi Kong, Mr. Irons Sze Wing Wai, Mr. Bunny Chan Chung Bun, Mr. So Cheung Wing, Ms. Huang Weijing, Mr. Brave Chan Yung, and Dr. Eva Cheng attended the conference.
內憂外患 危機四伏
一是疫情危機。經過全港750萬市民連月來的共同努力,香港總算在抗疫路上取得了階段性的成果。只是新冠病毒危機並未過去至今已經造成全球超過350萬人感染, 24萬人死亡。不同的國際專家都警惕疫情極有可能在今年秋冬再度爆發,在全球疫情尚未斷尾,預防疫苗尚未面世的情況下,所以我們不能夠有半點鬆懈。我們所做的一切,必須把保障香港市民的健康與安全作為首要任務。
相信香港 相信國家
更何況,今日的中國已經是世界第一大工業國、第一大貨物貿易國,為14億人民帶來了全面小康的生活。今日的中國正積極參與應對全球氣候變化 以及聯合國維和行動,為構建「人類命運共同體」貢獻中國方案。面對來勢洶洶的疫情,中國更加打了一場漂亮的戰「疫」,成功遏制疫情的擴散,為世界爭取了寶貴的時間,為各國提供了重要的抗疫物資和經驗。
「一國兩制」 初心不變
凝聚共識 共建香港
抉擇時刻 重新出發
Mr CH Tung’s Speaking Notes for 5 May 2020
Launch Ceremony of Hong Kong Coalition
Fellow citizens of Hong Kong, friends of the media, Welcome!
Having suffered from a double blow of disturbance from the protest movement against the proposed amendments to theFugitive Ordinance and from the COVID-19 pandemic, Hong Kong is at a very critical moment. For all those who love Hong Kong and call this city home, Hong Kong simply cannot moveforward on this path.
Today’s event is particularly meaningful because many people of insight recognize the need for Hong Kong to start afresh. And people of Hong Kong need to come together to ride out of the current predicament. Today marks the official launch of“Hong Kong Coalition.” The Coalition’s goal is to mobilizethe strength and wisdom of all Hong Kong people to unleash the potential of “One Country, Two Systems,” reinvigorate the city’s economy, re-embrace the rule of law, and build a stable and prosperous Hong Kong together.
Ridden with Risks amid Domestic & Global Troubles
As I said, Hong Kong is at a critical moment. Indeed, HongKong needs to overcome three major crises facing the city.
First, it is the pandemic: Through the months-long efforts of 7.5 million people, Hong Kong has made noticeable progress in containing the spread of the virus. However, the risks remain. To date, COVID-19 has infected more than 3.5 million people and caused 240,000 deaths worldwide. And international experts have warned about the possibility of a resurge. With the crisis not yet over and in the absence of vaccines, we must stay vigilant and do everything we can tosafeguard the health of the people in Hong Kong.
Second, it is the economic crisis following the pandemic. The Hong Kong government has announced a negative growth of 8.9% for the first quarter of 2020. In the first three months, the city's unemployment rose to the highest level in nine years. In the hard-hit retail industry, 96% of establishments have recorded losses. The industry expects that one out of every four stores will be closed by the end of the year...all ofthese are only the first wave of a significant economic slowdown. What's more distressing is, Hong Kong will be facing an enormous economic risk, triggered by a sharpeconomic decline in the US and Europe on the back of theCOVID-19 pandemic.
Third, it is the political crisis: The protest movement against the proposed amendments to the Fugitive Ordinance, which lasted for nearly a year, has shattered the community. Underthe opposition’s unscrupulous tactics of “mutual destruction,”violent protestors have vandalized at will, attacked police officers with firebombs, and even manufactured weapons ofmass destruction including remote-controlled explosive devices. Their unduly behaviour are meant to harm Hong Kong's overall interest, push Hong Kong over a cliff, anddestroy its future.
Violent protestors have repeatedly and maliciously insulted our motherland by scrawling on the national emblem, burning the national flag, mutilating signs of national mottos anddisplaying slogans for "Hong Kong Independence."Legislators of the opposition party have abusively filibustered in the Legislative Council to delay legislations that aim torevive the economy, protect job security and support the anti-pandemic relief efforts. They have caused undue disruption inthe Legislative Council and severe damage to the governanceof the HKSAR government.
More worrying is that Hong Kong has been drawn into the battleground of international politics. For more than half a year, under the pretext of "democracy" and "human rights," external forces have instigated violent crimes intended toundermine Hong Kong’s stability and China’s peaceful development. More outrageous is how some people of the opposition begged for the US to interfere in China’s domestic affairs and impose sanctions on Hong Kong. These are seriousviolations against the spirit of the Basic Law and the principleof “One Country, Two Systems.”
Today, more than ever, Hong Kong needs to come together; itneeds robust policy initiatives by the government; it needs the brightest professionals to share their wisdom; it needseveryone in society to help turn the tide and revive HongKong!
Believe in Hong Kong, Believe in China
Hong Kong has endured wars, hurricanes, plagues, riots, refugee influx, financial turmoil and many other challenges...Every single time during these crises, I was toldthat Hong Kong would not survive; but we always came out ontop of every challenge stronger, rendering Hong Kong moreunited and prosperous. Why is that?
The people of Hong Kong are dedicated, trustworthy, hardworking, and they never give up. Our rule of law, probity and diversity are some of the traits that enable us to rise aboveany challenge. The most precious and essential among thesetraits is “One Country, Two Systems” that is unique to HongKong upon the Handover in 1997.
“One Country, Two Systems” is Hong Kong’s largestadvantage; China is Hong Kong’s strongest support; and the Reform and Opening-up of the Mainland is Hong Kong’sgreatest development platform. We should never forget that:during the 1998 Asian financial crisis, the Central People’s Government reassured that Hong Kong's prosperity andstability would be maintained at all costs; immediately afterthe 2003 SARS pandemic, the central government launched the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) and Individual Visit Scheme (IVS) for Hong Kong to achieve aswift economic recovery; following the 2008 financial tsunami, Hong Kong was immensely benefitted from the development of RMB cross-border settlement and other business opportunities in the financial sector, such as the “Shanghai-HK Stock Connect” and “Shenzhen-HK Stock Connect.” With the national initiatives of “Belt & Road” and“Greater Bay Area,” I am confident that Hong Kong will beable to capture unparalleled development opportunities.
In addition, China has become the world’s leading industrial power and largest goods-trading nation, improving the living standard of 1.4 billion people. Today,China is actively involved in combating global climate change and in UN peacekeeping missions; it is playing akey role in building a “community of shared future for mankind.” In fighting the coronavirus, China haswon a battle by containing the spread, buying precious time for the global community, and providing different countries with medical supplies and experiences.
From nation-building to anti-pandemic measures, the 1.4 billion people of China have exemplified the spirit ofhelping others in times of need, demonstrated the edge of China’s governance system and showcased the era of a “responsible stakeholder.” As Chinese, we should beproud!
“One Country, Two Systems” Stays Unchanged
I’d like for us to think for a moment: In the 20-plus years since the Handover, Hong Kong’s competitive edge remained strong. Internationally, not only has Hong Kong’s status as a financial, transportation and trading hub never changed, but the city is poised to be an international center for innovationand technology. Hong Kong is also ranked by leading global institutions as being among the best in terms of freedom,governance, justice and academics. In a new phase of Reform and Opening-up in the Mainland, Hong Kong still carries a unique status and advantage. On the path of China goingglobal, Hong Kong’s role will only strengthen and not weaken.
As far as autonomy is concerned, Hong Kong’s rights to final adjudication, currency issuance and participation in globalaffairs are all protected by the Basic Law. Are any of the freedoms that Hong Kong currently enjoys in terms of assembly, speech, the press, publication, association, trade and travel any less than they were before the Handover?
In fact, the Central People’s Government has always kept to the spirit of "One Country, Two Systems" without reservation.Recent polls have shown that a large majority in Hong Kong,notwithstanding their different political ideology, support“One Country, Two Systems.” We need to treasure “OneCountry, Two Systems” as the genuine “consensus of Hong Kong.”
Building Hong Kong Together with Consensus
I am pleased to see that in the past few months, the SAR Government has demonstrated determination and courage in containing the pandemic and supporting the economy. Thegovernment has successfully led the fight against the spreadof coronavirus while launching a series of popular supportmeasures.
At the same time, I’m most impressed and touched by the dedication of public servants and medical staff, the willingness among employers and employees to stick togetherthrough tough times, and the professionalism of the policeforce committed to diligently protecting the law and order of society. Our frontline staff deserve our applause for their selfless contribution.
In the coming days and months, I hope more people withexperience and capabilities will join us at the Coalition. By gathering the strengths of society, we fight the pandemic as well as violence, promote people’s livelihood, secure employment and support the economy. We need to focus on youth’s future; we must try our hardest to nurture our future generations. And we have much work to do in drivingsustainable development and tackling social issues including the housing shortage and wealth disparity. These important initiatives are all essential building blocks in opening a newchapter for Hong Kong.
Time to Act in a Critical Moment
Today, Hong Kong is at a crossroads. As our Manifesto states: “Everyone in Hong Kong should think about whether to continue the path of confrontation, self- destruction,disintegration and squandered opportunity? Or, turn to unityby working together and finding a way to resolve thepredicament?”
Fellow citizens of Hong Kong, the idea behind the Coalitionis to find a direction for Hong Kong and get things done. Regardless of your background, your faith, your political ideology, for the benefits of our society and the future of our city, for the well-being of our community and the healthy development of our youth, for the continuity of “One Country, Two Systems,” I plead for a rational, pragmatic and inclusive way to put aside our differences and unite for economic development, improvement of people’s livelihoodand getting back on track to thrive once again.
We live in an era of great significance and we’ve been entrusted with an important mission. As such, we must makea wise choice: that is, say no to violence, vandalism, social divide and mutual destruction!
We must choose the rule of law, unity, development, peace andharmony, prosperity and stability!
We must resolutely choose to revive Hong Kong and let thePearl of the Orient shine as brightly as ever!