A letter to HK people by James Wong Jim

The Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on Tuesday passed the safeguarding national security bill. A letter written by a famous lyricist, James Wong Jim, to the SAR government in 2002 has been widely circulated on social media.

In December 2002, during the public consultation period for the implementation of Article 23, a famous lyricist, James Wong Jim, wrote a letter to the Security Bureau emphasizing the importance of national security and reminding the HK people not to be deceived or manipulated by external forces.

He called on the SAR government at that time to expedite the completion of the legislation for Article 23.In December 2002, during the public consultation period for the implementation of Article 23, a famous lyricist, James Wong Jim, wrote a letter to the Security Bureau emphasizing the importance of national security and reminding the HK people not to be deceived or manipulated by external forces.

He called on the SAR government at that time to expedite the completion of the legislation for Article 23.

More than 20 years have passed. Rereading Mr. Wong's letter, we'll see that each line still serves as a wake-up call to us all.

